About Us
Hecate Energy
Hecate Energy is a leading developer, owner and operator of renewable power projects and storage solutions in the United States.
We specialize in clean energy and energy storage projects, from planning and inception through construction and operation.
We discover and deploy creative approaches to structuring power purchase agreements and financing for power projects in the United States.
We believe in collaborative, long-term, partnerships with the clients and communities we serve.

Our Name
Hecate -- pronounced “HEK-uh-tee” -- is the Greek goddess of the crossroads whose domain included the earth, sea and sky.
Our name reflects our mission of developing power generation resources at the crossroads of traditional and emerging technologies.
Our logo evokes the circle of trust shared by a company, its clients and the community when a power project is developed and operates with respect for the people it serves.

Our Specialties
Zoning & Permitting
Community Collaboration
Grid Interconnection
Project Design & Engineering
PPAs & Net Metering
Site Selection
Operations & Maintenance
PPA Counterparties